The Silver Arowana is a freshwater fish belonging to the Actinopterygii family of ancient ray-finned fishes.
Arowana comes from a variety of places, including South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. During the Jurassic period, the Silver Arowana (Osteoglossum bircurrhosum) diverged from its Asian and Australian cousins (Scleropages spp.).
The typical color of Silver Arowana ranges from pale silver to gold. A blue hue with a yellow-orange stripe along the side of juveniles is possible. Depending on the species, other species may be colored red or green.
Arowanas have huge scales on their lower jaws and a pair of barbels. The tail and dorsal and anal fins are practically merged, giving the fish a streamlined appearance.
I. Size
- Average Adult Size:0.9 m (3.0 ft)
- Maximum Adult Size: 1.2 m (3.9 ft)
- Swimming Level: Top
I. You would love the fish because…
Silver Arowanas are members of a genus of fish known as “band fishes.” When you look at the Silver Arowana, it’s easy to see why they’re called that.
Silver Arowanas are strong powerful swimmers and can be fairly aggressive at times.
 III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
- Recommended: 1
- Recommended Male/Female – 1:1
- Overall hostility: Hostile
- Hostility towards own species: Hostile
- Hostility towards other Species: Peaceful with all the right facilites.
III. Species compatibility
- Singly or community of hardy fish like Large catfish
- Parrotfish
- Jaguar Cichlid
- Pacu (if the tank is large enough)
- Silver Dollar Fish
- Large Plecos
- Bichir
- Green Terror Cichlid.
IV. How to feed this species?
Juveniles will readily eat small fish, tadpoles, live brine shrimp, live brown worms, small earthworms, and other live foods, but should be trained to accept pellets, sticks, chunks of frozen foods, chopped and whole market shrimp, and other meaty foods and adults-only eat live things
Arowana is one of the fastest-growing aquarium fish, reaching lengths of over 4 feet in some cases.
Recommended food
- TAIYO Arowana Fish food
- Taiyo Pro-Rich Dry Fish Feed
Word for the wise