Choco black shrimps: Neocaridina davidi, the most popular and simple-to-keep dwarf shrimp for freshwater aquariums, has a brand-new outfit: Pitch Black! Of course,
Choco black shrimps are black variants of other dwarf shrimp species, but N. Davidi has a significant edge over other species thanks to N. Davidi can withstand a wide range of temperatures with ease.
Other varieties of dwarf shrimp continue to carry the genetic legacy of their once-wild, cool-water-loving forebears. Of course, growing aquarium shrimp over many generations has produced more tolerable stocks, but none are as resilient as Neocaridina davidi.
II. You would love the fish because…
Choco black shrimps is a well-liked option for freshwater shrimp hobbyists due to its interesting dark color and ease of upkeep and reproduction. They contrast with a light-colored substrate attractively. A striking and exciting addition to a freshwater aquarium is chocolate shrimp.
These Choco black shrimps are incredibly busy as they clean up trash by scavenging the aquarium. Particularly in a tank with plants, they adore eating biofilm and algae that are present in nature. Due to this, they may require very little upkeep and may even aid in keeping your tank clean.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Shrimp from freshwater environments are usually peaceful
IV. Species compatibility
Dwarf gouramis, Small tetras, Catfish, Small plecos.
V. How to feed this species?Shrimp enjoy eating green foods like spinach and nettles, and they can also be fed veggies like kuri squash or zucchini. Shrimp require a particular quantity of protein in addition to a vegetable diet to prevent them from attacking their younger or weaker conspecifics.