Serpae Tetra : A popular flame-colored fish that swim in your aquarium in vivid red schools.
Despite the fact that they can become moderately aggressive when around slow-moving species, they are highly popular in community aquariums due to their beauty and ease of maintenance.
If you want to keep your serpae tetras interested and to enjoy watching them explore, put a school of six or more of them in your aquarium along with some plants, rocks, and caverns.
II. You would love the fish because…
The serpae tetra’s vivid red color contributes to its appeal.
The serpae have a flat, tall body. Just beneath the gills, a black mark in the shape of a comma is visible. All other fins are red, with the exception of the dorsal fin, which has a white margin.
The leading point of the anal fin is white with a black border. Particularly the area below the gills, these hues deteriorate as the fish ages.
Compared to males, females are plumper and have less vivid colouring. Long-finned varieties have been created in captivity.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Serpae Tetra is a peaceful, schooling fish
IV. Species compatibility
Barbs, Danios, and larger Tetras. Bottom-dwelling catfish and loaches are also suitable tankmates.
V. How to feed this species?
They quickly eat almost any type of meal in the aquarium, including flake, pellet, freeze-dried, and frozen diets. Feed them a wide range of food kinds, including live meals when available, to keep them in top shape and bring out their colours