
Pikehead-Luciocephalus: The pikehead, Luciocephalus pulcher, is a close relative of the chocolate gouramies and a highly specialized anabantoid.<\/p>\n

The pikehead is a mouthbrooder, just like the latter. Among the various anabantoids, Luciocephalus is the only true predator; It prefers to eat shrimp in its natural habitat. Despite its constant hunger, the calm, beautiful animal (Latin pulcher = beautiful) would unquestionably be a favorite aquarium fish; however, there is a significant issue: It is one of the most sensitive fish is the luciocephalus.<\/p>\n

II. You would love the fish because\u2026<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

The Pikehead is a fascinating Anabantid that lives in dense tropical forests and inhabits blackwater swamps.<\/p>\n

These predatory fish slowly drift about in the water like a floating twig, hiding among live and dead vegetation. They will wait here until small fish or shrimp come within striking distance before rapidly extending their extremely protruding jaws and engulfing their prey.<\/p>\n

The ideal environment for these piscivorous labyrinth fish is a large, mature species-only aquarium with gentle current. These fish will feel more at ease in an environment with a dark substrate and a lot of plants; floating plants and animals help to spread out the light in the aquarium.<\/p>\n

For shady hiding spots and visual barriers, add some driftwood\u2014the spindly Sumatra wood is ideal. The use of peat filters is highly recommended. These fish do best when kept in small groups of three to five, but they need to be introduced simultaneously and of the same size; In addition to being more natural for them, this will increase your chances of successful breeding.<\/p>\n

To avoid frightening the pikeheads, tankmates should be very quiet and at least the same adult length if they must be added. Pikeheads have mouths that are very deceptive because they can swallow prey that is more than 1\/3 to 1\/2 their body length. Because these fish are skilled jumpers, coverslides that fit tightly are essential. In order to maintain the required consistent high water quality, partial water changes must be performed on a regular basis.<\/p>\n

III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

Shy fish.<\/p>\n

IV. Species compatibility<\/em><\/p>\n

It is actually quite shy, and if it is kept with much larger or more aggressive species, it can easily become threatened.<\/p>\n

V. How to feed this species?<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

Earthworms, crickets, and live shrimp are also accepted, despite the fact that live fish are the preferred food.<\/p>\n

Disclaimer for Live Aquarium Species<\/h3>