Tomato clown: If you have a reef or planning on a reef tank than Clownfish is a one of the best choices to have. As they say A clown completes a reef.
Tomato Clown fish is considered as the most loved clown fish. The beautiful colours on the fish add to asethic beauty in the tank.Â
Tomato Clowns are very pretty and have a distinctive personality. They are also called  Red Clownfish or Bridled Clownfish.
It is most usually found swimming amid the tentacles of a bubble tip anemone or the Adhesive anemone, Cryptodendrum adhaesivum, TCs are native to the Western Pacific but can also be found on tropical reefs in other regions of the Pacific Ocean.
They are known by their scientific name Amphiprion frenatus.
II. You would love the fish because…
They are stunning looking saltwater fish with a reddish- orange color that gets darker brown in female Tomato Fish.
Juveniles have 3 white stripes just like any other clownfish. The iconic Tomato clownfish has a single white band behind the eye. This pet is very hardy and even more accustomed to conditions found in aquariums, thus making them a great pick for beginners.Â
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Peaceful fish when teamed up with compatible tank mates.
IV. Species compatibility
A. melanopus, A. rubrocinctus, A. ephippium and A. mccullochi
V. How to feed this species?
Tomato clownfish are omnivores. Live food, frozen food, and flake food.