Spotted Nerite Snail: The shells of these eye-catching snails have a distinctive and gorgeous pattern; they are a magnificent dark amber color with little black marks that form surrounding stripes.
They also serve some extremely useful functions, as do all Nerite Snails. They remove algae from glass, plants, and decorations, consume hair algae, and keep the substrate clean and the proper color.
Spotted Nerite Snail are commonly regarded as the best algae-eating snail in the aquarium hobby. They are perfectly harmless to any fish, shrimp, or plants, and they are completely calm.
Because Nerite Snails reproduce in salt water, they will never overpopulate your aquarium (as some freshwater snails are known to do). They are also tranquil and safe, making them ideal for community tanks with live plants, fish, and shrimp.
II. You would love the fish because…
This Nerite Snail has a diameter of 1/2 to 1 inch. The majority of Tiger Nerite Snails live to be about 1 inch long, however, the odd snail can grow to be 1 1/2 inches long!
They do not eat plants (only algae), so they are perfectly suitable for planted tanks.
When keeping any variety of Nerite snails, make sure the water line in your aquarium isn’t too high, as these snails tend to climb up past the water line.
Furthermore, Nerite Snails do not tolerate high nitrate levels in the water. All freshwater snails are extremely sensitive to copper, so be cautious if you use tap water in your tank.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Nerite snails are peaceful herbivores who do not bother their tankmates.
IV. Species compatibility
Safe to keep with any fish, shrimp, live plants, or other snails.
V. How to feed this species?
Nerite snails primarily consume algae in your tank. They’re quite efficient at it, which is why they’re so popular in the aquarium industry. They can sometimes be so good that they hoover the entire tank clean and there aren’t enough algae left.