Snowball Pleco LDA 3″: The Plecostomus Snowball (Baryancistrus sp.) Another stunning South American sucker catfish native to Brazil’s Rio Xingu, Rio Tapajós, and Pará rivers is the LDA33.
Tropical fish enthusiasts refer to the Snowball Plecostomus as the Snowball Pleco, Big White Spot Pleco, White Spot Pleco, LDA33, and L142.
The sp. baryancistrus have bodies that are black, and their entire body, including their fins, is covered in large white or yellowish spots. It is difficult to tell the difference between the sexes, but males typically have larger, more prominent pectoral fins than females do. They have concave caudal fins.
With other bottom-feeding species, the Snowball Plecostomus is somewhat territorial, but in a large tank, they tend to keep to themselves.
The Snowball Plecostomus is a shy species that lives at night and hides during the day. They do well in aquariums and like areas with lots of vegetation away from bright lights.
II. You would love this fish because…
Snowball plecos are stunning freshwater fish that are often overlooked in aquariums. Everyone seems to think first of other plecos because they come from such a popular family!
However, there is a lot to like about this species. They are a little smaller than some of their relatives, but they are beautiful and simple to care for.
They are one of the most stunning freshwater fish due to their pattern. They are enjoyable to watch due to their simplicity and contrast!
Snowball Pleco care truly is easy. As previously stated, they easily adjust to life in an aquarium.
However, you still need to cover some ground. Snowball plecos, like all fish, have special requirements that must be met for them to thrive. This can assist your fish in achieving its full potential and enduring a long and contented life!
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
This species is generally peaceful, but it can be quite territorial toward its own kind and other species that are similar to it.
IV. Species compatibility
Medium sized characins, some of the more robust Corydoras catfish species, and many rheophilic cichlids.
V. How to feed this species?
Snowball Plecos are not picky eaters and ought to eat anything that is offered to them. Provide them with high-quality flake or pellets for their primary diet, and supplement this with algae wafers. When they are young, they tend to choose more herbivorous foods, but as they get older, they will need more meat.