Smokey Blue Angelfish are a captivating variant of the popular angelfish species. Their appearance is characterized by a beautiful smoky blue coloration, which sets them apart from other angelfish varieties. The combination of shades creates a mesmerizing effect that evokes a sense of elegance and mystery.
The body of the Smokey Blue Angelfish is typically adorned with varying intensities of blue, ranging from soft pastel hues to deeper shades reminiscent of swirling smoke. This unique coloration often extends to their dorsal and anal fins, enhancing their overall allure. Additionally, their pectoral and ventral fins may showcase subtle accents of complementary colors, further enhancing their visual appeal.
As with other angelfish, Smokey Blue Angelfish possess a graceful, triangular body shape with long, flowing fins. Their fins may exhibit slight variations in transparency, which adds to their ethereal charm. These fish have a regal presence, gliding effortlessly through the water with an air of elegance.
In aquarium settings, Smokey Blue Angelfish can create a serene and captivating focal point. Their distinct coloration makes them stand out among other fish species, adding a touch of sophistication to any aquatic environment. Their calm demeanor and graceful movements make them a pleasure to observe.
It’s important to note that the specific appearance of Smokey Blue Angelfish can vary slightly between individuals due to genetic factors and environmental conditions. However, their overall enchanting smoky blue coloration remains a defining feature, making them highly sought after by fish enthusiasts and hobbyists.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
A very  peaceful fish.
IV. Species compatibility
Larger tetras and Rasboras, Gouramis, peaceful Barbs, Rainbowfish, Corydoras and other medium-sized catfish.
V. How to feed this species?
They are omnivores and will flourish with Aqueon Tropical Pieces, Variety Chips, Tropical Granules and Shrimp Pellets.Frozen and live food sources can likewise be taken care of as treats or to help incite producing.Rotate their diet every day and only feed them what they can eat in two to three minutes, once or twice a day, for the best results.