Rummy Nose Rasbora it is not a true tetra, the Rummy Nose Rasbora (Sawbwa resplendens), or Asian Rummy Nose Tetra, is a beautiful cooler-water nano fish that is very popular among aquarists due to its shoaling behavior, peaceful disposition, and small size.
This fish is especially striking in a planted aquarium with dark substrate, where it can be the focal point of any tranquil community aquarium. Unfortunately, this fish’s wild populations are suffering, but a few farms are cultivating and preserving this magnificent species.
I. Size
- Average Adult Size: 0.7 inches
- Maximum Adult Size: 1.8cm (0.7″ )
- Swimming Level: middle and top of the tank
II. You would love the fish because…
The Rummy Nose Rasbora typically lives in the top and middle levels of the column. It is secure in the company of other tranquil, small fish that will not compete with it for food. Although it may eat shrimp fry, this small rasbora can be housed with adult dwarf shrimp.
Additionally, larger, tranquil invertebrates can make excellent tankmates. The Rummy Nose Rasbora can only be kept in schools with six or more students, but larger schools are preferable because male students will constantly posture and fight for dominance.
This fish’s shoaling behavior in large groups is fascinating. Its natural habitat typically has low pH levels and slow water flow. It thrives in very clean water, and a planted aquarium with a dark substrate and floating plants, especially, will give it the best color and health. For a rasbora, this fish is extremely adaptable.
The Rummy Nose Rasbora is not picky about what it eats, but it will thrive and stay very colorful on a varied diet that mostly consists of carnivorous foods. Flake food, pellets, live, frozen, or freeze-dried Artemia, tubifex, and finely chopped bloodworms, all of high quality, will be readily accepted.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
- Recommended: 15 and more
- Recommended Male/Female – 1:3 males – 5 females
- Overall hostility: Peaceful
- Hostility towards own species: Peaceful
- Hostility towards other Species: Peaceful
IV. Species compatibility
- Other rasboras
- Small tetras
- Sparkling and chocolate gouramis
- Celestial danios
- Pentazona barbs
- Guppies
- Platies
V. How to feed this species?
Thrives on a carnivorous diet of Tubifex or bloodworms cut into bite-sized pieces, and it readily accepts the majority of high-quality dried fish food, such as pellets and flakes. will also like freeze-dried Artemia and microworms.
Recommended food
- Hikari Fish Food Micro Pellet
- TetraMin Tropical Granules – Premium Choice
Word for the wise