The Rope Fish, also known as Reedfish, Snakefish, or Erpetoichthys calabaricus, is a one-of-a-kind aquarium species. Nothing else looks or behaves like it, as it combines characteristics of fish, eels, and snakes. The Rope Fish is one of only a few fish species that have lungs in addition to gills, allowing it to live both in and out of water.
The African Rope Fish is native to the inner curve of western Africa, from Benin to the Republic of the Congo, and is often found in the warm, sluggish waters of rivers such as the Ogun and the Chiloango. These waters typically have low oxygen levels and are home to only the toughest organisms.
The capacity to survive in both water and on land provides the Rope Fish with a large territory in which to live and hunt. Despite being classified as a freshwater species, the Rope Fish has been discovered in brackish water, demonstrating the adaptability of this extraordinary fish.
The Rope Fish will not surface to breathe in most tanks because the water has enough oxygen. They are generally nocturnal but will roam frequently, especially in dimly illuminated tanks as opposed to brilliantly lit aquariums.
II. You would love the fish because…
The Rope Fish is a huge African freshwater species that can be collected. It can easily reach a length of 15 to 20 inches if kept in big aquariums.
The maximum size of a Rope Fish is 36 inches. When combined with its tremendous leaping ability, it might pose security issues. The body is long, thin, and muscular, with no ventral fins.
It’s not a tremendously eye-catching fish. The predominant body color is green, and its scales have an appealing armor-like pattern.
Although some Rope Fish have yellow bellies, they all have a black mark on their pectoral fins. Some fish with a grey body and a yellow belly have color variations.
The Rope Fish has a dorsal fin, however, it is divided into 10 to 12 little finlets that can be seen as small bumps on its back. The anal fin is near the body and has soft rays.
The Rope Fish’s tail is meant to accentuate its snake-like, sinuous swimming, climbing, and walking action. It is designed like a canoe paddle to provide traction in both water and on land.
The Rope Fish is a great jumper, capable of dislodging aquarium lids, escaping, and living for several hours outside of the tank.
African Rope Fish are inquisitive, and if they can find a way to escape, they will do so. Rope Fish will also attempt to scale plants and hoses. Keeping them closed will keep your fish safe.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Rope Fish are among the most peaceful species you can keep in an aquarium.
IV. Species compatibility
Clown Loach, Glass Catfish, Bala Shark, Pictus Catfish
V. How to feed this species?
The reedfish is a voracious eater, devouring almost any living creature that comes it is a way. Live freshwater shrimp, crickets, worms, bug larvae, and minced fish will be devoured by newly arrived captives. Feeder minnows and little guppies are also popular.