The Red cap gold fish (Carassius auratus auratus), is one of several Oranda fancy goldfish types and is arguably the most well-known.
As the Calico variation is known as Oranda Shishigashiri or Azuma Nishiki, Orandas are loved in Japan. Other names for the fish are tiger heads and tiger goldfish.
Red cap gold fish are round-bodied fancy goldfish. It has a long, split caudal fin that flows into a lovely fan shape as it hangs in the water. Its body is coated in huge, spherical, pure white scales that can be either matte or shiny.
II. You would love the fish because…
These Orandas are referred to as “flowers of the water” due to their tail. Other than the dorsal, the fish’s other fins are paired and symmetrical.
Every oranda goldfish possesses distinctive wen or fleshy head growth.
When the fish is three to four months old, the wen first appears. It doesn’t fully mature until the fish is one to two years old, but it continues to grow for another year or so after that. The cherry red wen that resembles a cap and is the only color on the otherwise completely smart fish gives the redcap oranda its name.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Orandas are very peaceful
IV. Species compatibility
Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Rosy Barbs (Pethia conchonius), Zebra Danios (Danio rerio), Giant Danios (Devario aequipinnatus) …
White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes), Dojo Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) and Banded Corydoras (Scleromystax barbatus).
V. How to feed this species?
Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen), blood worms, Daphnia, or tubifex worms as a treat to take care of your Redcap Oranda Goldfish. To minimize parasites and bacterial infections that could be present in live foods, it is typically preferable to give freeze-dried foods rather than live foods.