Platinum Angel is silver in color with dark vertical stripes in the wild, but there are numerous kinds available in markets, including black, gold, marble, and more.
The Platinum Angel variant has blue or green tins on a white background.
The body of this fish is diamond-shaped, it has a spherical, laterally compressed shape, triangular dorsal and anal fins, and it may grow to a maximum length of 6 inches and a maximum height of 8 inches or more.
Due to their height, a tall aquarium is required to keep these fish; the bare minimum tank size is 30 gallons, but if there are multiple individuals, the tank must be larger.
The pH of the water should be between 6.0 and 7.4 and the temperature should be between 76 and 86 °F. Additionally, the tank ought to feature resilient plants, open water for swimming, and dim lighting.
This species is calm and may be kept in a communal aquarium with fish of a similar size, though it may consume any smaller fish that are there. Since these fish congregate together in the wild, it is best to keep them there. As they get older, they will pair off and become aggressive.
II. You would love the fish because…
Platinum Angel fish are pretty laid-back cichlids that thrive in practically any communal aquarium.
They are calm enough to be kept alongside the majority of tetras and other peaceful cichlids and can withstand a wide variety of pH levels.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Angelfish are usually subtle, peaceful fish.
IV. Species compatibility
Boesemani Rainbow Fish, Corydoras Catfish, Dwarf Gourami, Praecox Rainbow Fish, Zebra Loaches, Platies, Mollies
V. How to feed this species?
Angelfish consume a lot of meat-based foods in their diet. Cichlid flakes and pellets should make up most of their food. However, add living items to the diet as a supplement. In addition to small insects and crustaceans, angelfish may eat brine shrimp, white worms, bloodworms, mealworms, and other worms.