Pearl gourami is one of the most beautiful gouramis, and also one of the easiest to care for.
It is a labyrinth fish, which means that it can breathe air at the tank’s surface.
The pearl gourami, like other labyrinth fish, can actually vocalize, well don’t be surprised if you hear your pet “talking” with growls or croaks, then your pearl gouramies are  breeding or fighting
Thailand, Malaysia, and the Borneo and Sumatra islands are where this species was first discovered.
They like the acidic water in lowland swamps close to the ocean.Singapore and Colombia have received a few pearl gouramis.Because most are bred in captivity, it is uncommon to find wild pearl gourami available for purchase as aquarium fish.
II. You would love the fish because…
Pearl gouramis are a distinctive and colorful freshwater fish. Thus, making them so prevalent in so many aquariums for this primary reason!
Many fish are hardy and simple to care for, but their appearance really sets them apart.
This fish gets its name from the fact that it has tiny white dots that cover most of its body, including its caudal and dorsal fins.
The only place you won’t be able to find these dots is on a small area below their mouth that goes a little bit below their belly.
When they swim, these pearl-like dots make for a very captivating image.They appear to almost sparkle from the right angle!
The pearl gourami’s black line, which begins at their mouth and ends at the beginning of their caudal fin, is another distinguishing characteristic.
This light’s darkness can vary slightly depending on the fish’s other colors, but it is always very obvious.
They have flat, thin bodies, but they are tall and long, like the dwarf gourami.While still appearing to be quick and long, this gives them a look that is somewhat reminiscent of a “sideways pancake.”
The long and thin ventral fins of pearl gourami are another distinctive feature.These can sometimes extend past the end of their caudal fins and dangle while they swim.They have a funny look, but we think it’s cute.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Is a peaceful fish.
IV. Species compatibility/em>
Pearl danios (Peaceful temperament and small)Â Neon & Small Tetras (Peaceful temperament and small)
V. How to feed this species?
Include fresh vegetables like spinach, cooked peas, and lettuce in a varied diet for optimal health.When preparing fish for breeding, live foods like blackworms, brine shrimp, and glass worms should be used as treats.