Red Rili Shrimp has beautiful red and translucent white coloration, the Red Rili Shrimp is a popular choice for hobbyists of freshwater shrimp and is relatively simple to breed and maintain.
In a freshwater aquarium, Red Rili Shrimp is a striking and dynamic addition that will stand out beautifully against a dark substrate. As they clean out waste in the tank, these shrimp are very active. In a planted tank, they particularly enjoy eating algae and biofilm that naturally occur. As a result, they may require little upkeep; in fact, they can even assist you in cleaning your tank!
Red Rili Shrimp can withstand a wide range of water parameters, and if kept properly, they can live for up to two years. Since these shrimp are eager to reproduce, they are an excellent option for people who are new to breeding freshwater shrimp. Red Rili Shrimp are excellent companion fish for tanks due to their versatility and lack of aggression.
II. You would love the fish because…..
Red Rili Shrimp are hardy, sociable, and peaceful freshwater shrimp that are ideal for planted and community aquariums. These shrimp are fun for novice hobbyists and challenging for more experienced aquarists.
Red Rili Shrimp are remarkable for their adaptability; they can thrive in virtually any freshwater aquarium with varying water conditions. Your aquarium will be thoroughly cleaned of waste and algae by a shrimp colony.
Red Rili Shrimp can be kept with other species of shrimp in the same aquarium, and you can also keep them with smaller peaceful fish like Neon Tetras and Micro Rasboras that don’t attack. Additionally, freshwater snails like Nerites and Ramshorns, as well as placid bottom-dwellers that are too small to eat an adult shrimp, should work well. However, as they will be seen as a snack, it would be best to avoid keeping them with much larger, more aggressive species.
If you don’t give your Red Rili Shrimp enough places to hide when they feel threatened, helpless, or scared, they may become shy. To make your shrimp feel more secure, decorate the area with rocks, driftwood, plants, and caves.
The white parts of Red Rili Shrimp appear transparent, with prominent red and white coloring. They have a variety of transparent areas, ranging from mostly red with clear patches to very little red. However, the head and tail are typically red, and the body is usually clear. Additionally, these shrimp frequently display distinct markings.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
A peaceful herbivore for a planted freshwater tank is this one. They cannot be combined with any crustacean or fish that are nippy, aggressive, or predatory (such as loaches, puffers, crabs, or crayfish, for example).
IV. Species compatibility
Freshwater shrimp of different species from the same genus should NOT be kept together. However, together, like: Cardinal shrimp (Caridina dennerli) and amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata)
V. How to feed this species?
Shrimp will consume blanched vegetables (such as zucchini, carrots, and spinach) as well as algae wafers or pellets in addition to fish or shrimp flake meals and pellets. Warning! Any food item, prescription, or plant fertilizer containing copper should be avoided. Invertebrates are poisonous to copper.