Echinodorus amazonicus – Big is also called the ‘ Amazon Sword Plant’. It is a member of the species Echinodorus grisebachii, which is extensively distributed throughout the American tropics and recognized for its various variants. This species also includes E. grisebachii ‘Bleherae’ and E. grisebachii ‘Parviflorus.’
It is a popular aquarium plant due to its big, noticeable rosette with several leaves, simple yet magnificent aesthetics, and low care requirements.
With the right lighting and water quality, this plant can reach a height of 20 inches.
It is classified as a Rosette plant due to the creation of its stems and leaves, which are distinguished by their exceedingly short stem axes and the way their leaves grow upward from the plant’s base. It gets its name from its sword-shaped leaves, which range in color from pale green to dark green.
The leaves can grow very wide, making this an excellent background plant for a large aquarium or a lovely centerpiece for a small aquarium.
It comes in the form of a bare root cluster with 5 to 10 leaves. This plant does not require any special or intense illumination and may be kept in any freshwater tank.
Suggested for large tanks containing, for example, Discus or angelfish (Pterophyllum). The sword plant leaves are frequently used as a breeding ground by the latter.
Care tips
- Require medium bright light and a water temperature in the 24-28 degrees C range.
- The pH value should be kept around neutral, from pH 6.5 to 7.2.