Meal Worms are probably something you’ve heard of before, but after today, you probably will.
Meal worms are actually very small insects. They are, in fact, the mealworm beetle’s larval stage, a large, black, and ominous-looking insect. The beetles lay their eggs, which become tiny worms when they hatch. They eventually become beetles after passing through the pupal stage.
Mealworms are often fed to fish because they contain a lot of protein and other nutrients. Mealworms can be consumed by almost all fish in general.
Mealworms are safe to eat, contain a lot of nutrients, and are certain to be a tasty snack. Mealworms can be eaten by most fish as long as they are large enough. Guppies and other small fish can be fed newly hatched baby mealworms.
Larger fish can be fed adults of larger mealworms, which are about to enter the pupal stage and become mealworm beetles. The fish can consume mealworms in their entirety so long as it can fit inside its mouth.
Mealworms contribute to a well-balanced diet high in nutrients.
Live mealworms are low in calories because they contain up to 62% moisture. However, they also contain protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.
Fresh mealworms have 20% protein, 13% fat, and 2% fiber per gram of weight. Additionally, they have a higher content of iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium than other insects that are frequently utilized in fish feed. Linoleic acid and B-vitamins are also abundant in mealworms. All of these nutrients are necessary for your fish’s health and longevity.
The fish that are most likely to eat mealworms are listed below.
Cichlids from Central America include Oscars, Convicts, Jack Dempsey, Fire Mouth, Green and Red Terrors, and Arowanas. Cichlids from Senegal include Bichirs, Clow Loaches, and Dojo (Weather) Loaches. African rope fish include Snakeheads, Severum Cichlids, Large Goldfish, and Koi.
How to feed your pet?
Feed your fish mealworms as treats once a week, and remember to chop them up enough for your smaller finnies to consume
Do not overfeed your fish.