The Malabar leaf fish has a laterally compressed body with a leaf-like shape, which helps it blend into its environment. It has a greenish-brown coloration with dark bands that provide excellent camouflage among leaves and aquatic vegetation.
This species typically grows to about 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) in length.
It is primarily found in the slow-moving rivers, streams, and backwaters of the Western Ghats, particularly in Kerala and Karnataka.
Prefers habitats with plenty of submerged vegetation and a soft, muddy substrate. These environments provide both cover and hunting grounds for the Malabar leaf fish.
The Malabar leaf fish is a carnivorous predator, feeding mainly on smaller fish, insects, and other invertebrates. Its ambush hunting style is facilitated by its ability to remain motionless and blend into its surroundings.
Little is known about its breeding habits in the wild, but it is believed to be a substrate spawner, laying eggs on rocks or vegetation.
For those interested in keeping Malabar leaf fish in an aquarium, a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots is essential. The water should be kept clean and well-oxygenated, with a slightly acidic to neutral pH.
Diet: In captivity, they can be fed a diet of live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small fish.