Lion head/ Oranda gold fish: The most well-known and popular member of the dorsal-less Oranda goldfish family is the Lionhead goldfish, Carassius auratus auratus.
With egg-shaped bodies, a short, double tail, and anal fins that progressively develop into a floating, fan-like shape, lion heads resemble Fantail goldfish in appearance.
Lion head/ Oranda gold fish are long-finned and are amazing to watch.
To create curious-looking “hoods” that evoke the likeness of the mythical Chinese lion-dog, lionhead goldfish were created in China.
The fish develops a growth on its head that resembles a raspberry as it grows and matures.
II. You would love the fish because…
A short-bodied breeding variety of goldfish known as lionhead goldfish is distinguished by its lack of a dorsal fin and a big raspberry-shaped growth on its head that resembles a lion’s mane.
Lionhead goldfish are related to orand goldfish. However, if the latter only has a “cap,” the lion’s epithelial outgrowth almost completely encases the head like a helmet. It can even close the fish’s eyes with sufficiently strong development.
The lionhead goldfish is well recognized for its peacefulness, thus regarded as community fish. They get along well with other peaceful community fish, so they’ll probably do well if you add them to your present aquarium together with any fish that are already living there in peace.
However, they may thrive on their own in their habitat and don’t require a colony of other fish. They frequently move quite slowly, and many people perceive them as being lethargic. They don’t move much since they’re not very good swimmers.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Fairly peaceful fish.
IV. Species compatibility
Hillstream Loach, Brochis multiradiatus, Dojo Loach, Bristlenose Pleco, Rubbernose Pleco, White Cloud Mountain Minnows. …
Ricefish and Hoplo Catfish.
V. How to feed this species?
Lionhead goldfish have a hearty and ravenous appetite, despite their fragile condition. They should only be fed a maximum of twice a day, although these omnivores will eat at any time of the day and in any quantities. Live, frozen, freeze-dried, flake, and pellet versions are all favorites.