Green Severum are native to the northern Amazon basins of the Negro, Amazon, and Orinoco rivers. They are primarily a Gold Severum colour variation. They are specifically bred in captivity to enhance the red colour of the fish.
The red-spotted severum is particularly appealing and has a tendency to grow bigger than other severums. In fact, their striking orange-red hue, which can be observed on their stomachs, pelvic fins, and anal fins, is the main reason enthusiasts breed them. They also have extremely brilliant red eyes.
II. You would love the fish because…
Green Severum are usually docile. In a 75 gallon or bigger tank, they will get along well with little Plecos, catfish, medium schooling fish, and South American cichlids.
The omnivorous Green Severum will eat vegetables, flakes, frozen food, live food, and freeze-dried food. Be careful that Red Spotted Severum or Golden Red Spot Severum may consume real plants, therefore well-placed plastic plants are preferable for the aquarium environment.
They seem to particularly enjoy frozen peas and lettuce, with Romaine lettuce being a better choice than Iceberg.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
A relatively peaceful species.
IV. Species compatibility
- Angelfish
- Blood Parrot Cichlid
- Hoplo Catfish
- Black Skirt Tetra
- Gouramis
- Tiger Barb
- Convict Cichlid
- Red Tail Black Shark
- African Butterfly Fish
- Bristlenose Pleco
V. How to feed this species?
Severum cichlids are omnivores; they can be fed pellets, flakes, freeze-dried worms, and vegetables like cucumbers, zucchini, and so on.