Green Rotkeil Severum: You have probably all seen a number of Severum varieties. The most common color is the base “Green Severum,” which has a body that is olive green and black markings on its sides.
It is a vibrant and stunning fish, and makes an excellent addition to any large community aquarium. The tank’s other fish will get along well with this large, tranquil fish.
Aquarists adore this fish not only for its beauty but also because it is a robust fish that is relatively simple to maintain. Additionally, it possesses a cool and curious nature. These fish, like Oscar, can learn to identify their owners and may even approach the tank’s front to greet them or beg for food.
II. You would love the fish because…
The Green Severum is a quiet species that works well in groups of medium-sized, non-aggressive fish. The gentle Green Severum can be found in slow-moving, densely vegetated waters in the wild.
As a result, the aquarium ought to have a lot of sturdy plant species, numerous rocky caves, and pieces of bogwood. Green Severums can be kept in pairs or groups; however, if a pair decides to spawn in a community, they will become significantly more aggressive toward other fish.
In order for the other fish to escape the Green Severum’s attention, the tank should be at least 4 feet long and have a lot of visual barriers. Male fish are distinguished from smaller females by the absence of cheek markings.
Many aquarists discover that adding a few additional females will help to spread the brunt of the aggression if the male appears to overly harass the female. These fish eventually come to the glass to greet their owners or wait for food after they learn to “recognize” them. This species also comes in a gold variety.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
A relatively peaceful species.
IV. Species compatibility
- Angelfish
- Blood Parrot Cichlid
- Hoplo Catfish
- Black Skirt Tetra
- Gouramis
- Tiger Barb
- Convict Cichlid
- Red Tail Black Shark
- African Butterfly Fish
- Bristlenose Pleco
V.. How to feed this species?
Severum cichlids are omnivores; they can be fed pellets, flakes, freeze-dried worms, and vegetables like cucumbers, zucchini, and so on.
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