Green Neon Tiger Barb is a fantastic freshwater fish that lives up to the hype. They’re arguably one of the most frequently recommended species!
These fish are gorgeous, lively, and relatively easy to care for. They’re one of the greatest fish for anyone who wants to witness a lot of motion in their aquarium.
Green Neon Tiger Barb (Puntigrus tetrazona or Barbus tetrazona) are feisty little fish with a lot of personalities.
Green Neon Tiger Barbs are one of the most popular freshwater species due to their gorgeous color. They’re widely imported and extensively bred in captivity, making them a viable option for any aquarist.
In a freshwater tank, one Tiger Barb swims.These fish are widespread throughout Southeast Asia and are native to Borneo, Indonesia, and Sumatra. Nonetheless, non-native communities have emerged in various parts of the world.
Green Neon Tiger Barb is ideal if you want a species that will not spend its time hiding. These fish are active swimmers who will take advantage of all available space in your aquarium.
II. You would love the fish because…
Tiger Barbs have a distinct appearance that even inexperienced fish keepers will recognize.
The fish’s body is fairly broad. It is the tallest in the middle and tapers to a triangular-shaped nose.
These fish are similarly brightly colored and have a distinct design.Green Neon Tiger Barb are typically golden yellow in hue. Some have a faint rose gold hue as well. Several stripes are placed on top of the base color.
These bands are substantial and cover a wide range of topics. One continues from the black dorsal fin, another from the eye, and the final stripe identifies the base of the caudal fin!
II. You would love this fish because…
The brilliant red or orange fins are another distinguishing feature. Red edging can be found on the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. Meanwhile, for a lovely accent, the pectoral and pelvic fins are normally completely crimson.
These bands are substantial and cover a wide range of topics. One continues from the black dorsal fin, another from the eye, and the final stripe identifies the base of the caudal fin!
The brilliant red or orange fins are another distinguishing feature. Red edging can be found on the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins. Meanwhile, for a lovely accent, the pectoral and pelvic fins are normally completely crimson.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Tiger Barbs are considered semi-aggressive but will push smaller, susceptible fish around. They may also nibble at the fins of slower-moving tankmates. Aggressive behavior is frequent even within their species.
IV. Species compatibility
Rosy Barb, Cherry Barb, Cory Catfish, Most Types Of Plecos, Clown Loach, Tinfoil Barb, Pictus Catfish, Neon Tetra.
V. How to feed this species?
Feed your tiger barbs twice a day if possible, or once a day if your schedule allows. Every day, feed your fish high-quality flake food. Once a day, feed them bloodworms, brine shrimp, boiled lettuce, or zucchini.