II. You would love this fish because…
The L177 Goldseam Gold Nugget is the most colorful and vibrant of all the Gold Nugget Plecos and has been a popular aquarium fish for a long time. These fish, which are found in Brazil’s rocky, warm, and fast-flowing Xingu and Iriri rivers, require somewhat specialized conditions to thrive in an aquarium, so they might not be the best choice for the typical community tank. They thrive in water that is warm (80 degrees Fahrenheit), well-oxygenated, and has a moderate to strong current. Because they are shy when kept alone, it is best to keep multiple fish together with plenty of hiding spots. They will eat vegetables and foods made from algae, but they will also eat carnivorous diets and frozen bloodworms.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
This species is generally peaceful, but it can be quite territorial toward its own kind and other species that are similar to it.
IV. Species compatibility
Medium sized characins, some of the more robust Corydoras catfish species, and many rheophilic cichlids.
V. How to feed this species?
Golden Nuggets Plecos are not picky eaters and ought to eat anything that is offered to them. Provide them with high-quality flake or pellets for their primary diet, and supplement this with algae wafers. When they are young, they tend to choose more herbivorous foods, but as they get older, they will need more meat.