Normal Gold fish, or Parrot Goldfish, are attractive aquarium and pond fish of the Cyprinidae subfamily of carp, originally from East Asia but now found worldwide. The goldfish is related to the carp (Cyprinus carpio), but it is distinct from it in that it lacks mouth barbels. At least as early as the Sung era (960–1279), the Chinese domesticated it.
Common Gold fish are often grey or greenish-brown. But because the species varies, several anomalies take place. A fish that is deviant may be black, spotted, golden, white, or white with silver; it may have prominent eyes or a trilobed tail fin, or it may not have its typical long dorsal fin.Â
Over 125 breeds of goldfish, including the common pet-shop comet, the veil tail, with a three-lobed, flowing tail, the lionhead, with a swollen “hood,” on the head, and the celestial, with protruding, upward-directed eyes, have been created over centuries of weeding out and breeding such abnormal specimens.
I. Size
- Average Adult Size: 4.0 inches (10.16 cm)
- Maximum Adult Size: 7 or 8 inches (18 – 20 cm)
- Swimming Level: All levels of the tank
II. You would love the fish because…
Goldfish have eyes open throughout the day and night. They can’t close them as they lack eyelids.
Once upon a time, it was customary for newlywed men to give their spouses a goldfish on their first wedding anniversary since goldfish were thought to bring good luck.
Contrary to popular perception, goldfish do not possess a three-second memory. They occasionally remember events that occurred up to three months ago.
Goldfish can be taught to perform simple tricks like swimming through hoops and pushing levers to release food. They also have a sense of regularity.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
- Recommended: 2 at least
- Recommended Male/Female – 1:1
- Overall friendliness : Peaceful
- Friendliness with own kind: Peaceful
- Friendliness with other species: Peaceful
IV. Species compatibility
- Rosy Barb
- Platy Fish
- Bristlenose Pleco
- Hillstream Loach
- Hoplo Catfish
- Cherry Shrimp
- Banded Corydoras
- Mystery Snail
V. How to feed this species?
An excellent staple food for goldfish is a combination of specialized flakes and granules. In the ideal scenario, you should add live brine shrimp and a combination of frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, and vegetable mix. Duckweed, tiny invertebrates, and scalded peas can also be used as dietary supplements.
Recommended food:
Word for the wise