Giant Galaxy Betta Fish / Galaxy Koi Betta Fish is the result of carefully selecting Betta fish with a genetic tendency toward gigantism and breeding them together. They have a larger version of the robust body of a Plakat Betta. These fish are very popular in the aquatics industry because of their calm demeanor and size.
The King Betta and the Giant Betta are frequently misunderstood. However, while Giant Bettas are a distinct species, King Bettas are a subspecies of Betta splendens.
King Bettas are similar to the majority of Betta splendens species in appearance and do not grow larger than others. Large Betta splendens specimens typically outgrow even small Giant Bettas. While Giant Bettas tend to be peaceful, laid-back fish that seems to enjoy living in pairs, King Bettas have the typical semi-aggressive temperament of other Bettas.
Compared to Betta splendens, giant bettas appear to be slightly more susceptible to illnesses caused by poor water quality. Because of this, Giant Bettas are more suitable for experienced fish keepers than for novices.
II. You would love the fish because…
Giant Bettas are laid-back, unobtrusive fish. They tend to be more peaceful than the Betta splendens, which is semi-aggressive. They also tend to be peaceful enough for peaceful community tanks.
In the tank, a massive betta fish Giant Bettas share the same robust body type as Plakat Bettas. Except for the Plakat Betta, they resemble wild Betta fish in appearance and typically have shorter fins than the majority of Betta splendens species.
They truly do have balances of moderate length that limp along them. Female Giant Bettas, like Plakat Bettas, have shorter, bushier fins than males.
They are available in the majority of Betta splendens color combinations. They may have colors that are very interesting. They are still available in a variety of vibrant blues, purples, reds, and greens, in addition to more natural hues like cream, tan, and black.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Betta Splendens, all the more regularly alluded to as Siamese Fighting Fish or essentially betta fish, are known for their bright shows and animosity towards different individuals from their species.
IV. Species compatibility
Corydora or Otoclinus catfish and small non-nippy tetras.
V. How to feed this species?
Feed your betta fish two to four pellets, more than once each day. Pellets grow when put in water and are very filling for your betta fish. Freeze-dried or new food can be filled in for their pellet taking care of 1 to 2 days out of every week.