Geophagus surinamensis, commonly known as the Surinamensis Eartheater, is a fascinating species of cichlid native to South America, particularly found in the Suriname and Guyana regions.
Geophagus surinamensis is known for its striking appearance and unique features. It has a laterally compressed body with a distinctive sloping forehead. The body coloration can vary depending on mood and environment but generally includes shades of brown, tan, and gray, often adorned with intricate patterns and markings. One of its most distinguishing features is its prominent red eyes, which add to its overall allure.
Surinamensis Eartheaters are relatively large cichlids, capable of reaching lengths of up to 10-12 inches (25-30 centimeters) in captivity. Juveniles start out much smaller but grow rapidly with proper care and nutrition.
As their name suggests, Geophagus surinamensis are known as “eartheaters” due to their natural behavior of sifting through substrate in search of food. They use their specialized mouthparts to sift and sift through the sand or gravel, extracting small invertebrates, algae, and other food particles. This behavior not only serves a feeding purpose but also plays a role in the natural maintenance of the aquarium substrate.
To accommodate the natural behavior of Surinamensis Eartheaters, it’s essential to provide them with a spacious aquarium with plenty of sandy substrate. They appreciate ample swimming space and the presence of hiding spots such as caves, driftwood, and rock formations. Water parameters should ideally mimic their native environment, with temperatures ranging from 75-82°F (24-28°C), a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5, and moderate water hardness.
Geophagus surinamensis is generally peaceful towards other fish species but can exhibit territorial behavior, especially during breeding. They are best kept in a species-specific tank or with other medium to large-sized peaceful fish that can withstand their occasional territorial displays. Avoid housing them with aggressive or fin-nipping tankmates, as this can lead to stress and conflict.
Geophagus surinamensis is a captivating and rewarding species to keep for aquarists interested in larger cichlids with unique behaviors and striking appearances. With the right setup and care, these eartheaters can thrive and become focal points in freshwater aquariums.