Geophagus Lentiginosus: Geophagus cichlid’s have unique characteristics.
Two main characteristics set this cichlid apart from others in its class: its calm demeanor and bottom-feeding behavior.
Most species of cichlids are territorial and aggressive, but some species take these traits to the extreme.
Some cichlids are very violent and will fight anything that swims near them, even other cichlids of the same species. Or, ought we say, particularly them?
The issue is that not all aquarists enjoy cichlids’ violent temperaments, which is where the Geophagus cichlid comes in.
II. You would love the fish because…
This is probably the coolest cichlid because you can pair it with any fish and it doesn’t show signs of territoriality. including guppies, tetras, Corydoras, and even plecos, which are all of a smaller size.
With regular cichlids, this would be a sin because, given the chance, they are known to kill and eat smaller fish.
If you have your eye on a Geophagus cichlid, let’s discuss how to design the ideal tank for them.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
A very peaceful cichlid.
IV. Species compatibility
Fortunately, most aquarium fish are very friendly to Geophagus cichlids. Because they don’t usually share space, they won’t bother other species.
Having said that, these cichlids occasionally exhibit rage. Consider the following when selecting their most compatible tankmates such as aggression in the breeding process, territorial behavior, and competition for food.
You should also avoid pairing the Geophagus with dwarf shrimp or other small crustaceans because the cichlid will quickly transform them into food. In any case, as long as you take into consideration the points I’ve already made, you can use anything.
V. How to feed this species?
Geophagus re simple to feed and enjoy a varied diet. Sinking pelletized omnivore food is a good all-around option because they are bottom sifters. It’s a good idea to add protein foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, chopped shrimp, or bloodworms.