Electric Blue Acara is a freshwater specie that belongs to the cichlid family.
These fish are native to South and Central America and, like many of its cichlid family relatives, can be found in slow-moving waters.
These are well behaved cichlids that get along well with other tankmates and are very quiet.
They are considered brave, attractive, resilient fish that can live up to 20 years.
II. You would love the fish because…
The name Electric Blue Acara encapsulates their appearance. When you watch these fish swim, they appear to be glowing blue neon!
These fish are mostly a light, sparkly blue, with a few small, shimmering features. You can usually see a little fading yellow on the side of their bodies, particularly so on the front half.
They have a striking yellow/orange line around the top of their dorsal fin. The back edge of their caudal fin also has this line, although it is considerably smaller and typically much fainter.
The intensity of the blue on their bodies makes their scales fairly obvious. This gives their flanks a neatly patterned appearance that can be hypnotic to see.
Their foreheads are the only part of their bodies where the vibrant coloration starts to wane. There is a dark grey patch, devoid of any blue, starting at the front of their dorsal fin and extending down to their top mouth.
The body type of Electric Blue Acara is the typical cichlid body type. Their bodies are long and have a thickness that is ordinary.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Electric Blue Acara are peaceful.
IV. Species compatibility
Banded cichlids, Plecos, Oscars, Corydoras, Zebra cichlids, Velvet cichlids and Moga cichlids
V. How to feed this species?
Although they are omnivores, Electric Blue Acara frequently consume live animals in the wild. This implies that you must provide them with adequate protein-rich meals to meet their nutritional needs.