Check out our  Dwarf pea puffers – perfect for your nano tanks!
Dwarf Pea Puffer: One of the cutest freshwater species on the planet could be the pea puffer, also known as the dwarf Anyone would admire these adorable little creatures!
A growing number of aquarists are considering purchasing a pea puffer. In recent years, their popularity has really skyrocketed!
However, these fish’s adorable appearance isn’t the only reason to consider purchasing them.
They have a certain appeal. They are unique, small, and with a lot of attitude.
II. You would love the fish because…
When compared to their size, they have enormous eyes. They get a really cute, curious look from it.
Dwarf Pea puffers have a pointed snout with a tiny hard keratin beak that they use to eat snails.
Adults who have been properly fed have rounded bodies that quickly taper off in the back. Sometimes, their caudal fin, or tail, is folded, giving the impression that the fish doesn’t even have a tail.
The majority have irregular spots and splotches of dark brown and are a dusky gold color.
They swim primarily with their two pectoral fins, like other freshwater puffers, giving the impression that they are hovering in the water like a bumblebee hovering over the garden.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Peaceful yet territorial.
IV. Species compatibility
- Kuhli loach
- Otocinclus
- Neon tetras (both normal and green)
- Ember tetras
- Danios
- Cherry shrimp
V. How to feed this species?
A diet of frozen foods (like frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp) and live foods (like little pest snails or blackworms).