The Lanceleaf Sundew, or Drosera adelae, is one of the only rainforest sundews and a part of the “Three Sisters of Queensland,” this Australian native is a windowsill plant!
Drosera adelae is an enormous type, which grows larger than regular Sundews but is still smaller than a fully grown King Sundew. Due to its passing resemblance to the unrelated and more difficult to grow (as well as more expensive) species The King Sundew, Drosera adelae is frequently referred to as “The poor man’s Regia.” This sundew, unlike the majority of sundews, requires very little light and only thrives in extremely high humidity. A cut 2-liter clear plastic soda bottle can be used as an improvised humidity dome. You will receive one tiny bare root plant.
It can adapt to lower light levels than other sundews, Drosera adelae is a good plant for novices. For wide green leaves, grow in medium light. For thinner, redder leaves, grow under intense light.
The sundew is likewise very abundant. From beneath the earth, it sends forth runners that generate new plants. Within 6 months, a single plant in a 3-inch pot will easily fill that space! It’s an excellent companion plant for orchids like Phalenopsis. Early in the winter, look for red star-shaped blossoms.
Care Tips
- Reqires dappled sunlight. Avoid full shade.
- Prefers mild temperatures but always protect from frost.