Cowfish: The Longhorn cowfish, also known as the Horned Boxfish, is Lactoria cornuta. The fins, tail, eyes, and mouth protrude from their solid box-like carapace, which is formed by the fusion of their plate-like scales. Their pelvic fins are absent.
The armor prevents the fish from moving quickly and forces them to use their pectoral fins for propulsion. The Pufferfish and Blowfish are closely related to cowfish. Even though they can’t puff themselves up, they live in a symbiotic relationship with toxic bacteria that look like Pufferfish.
The longhorn cowfish is a strange saltwater species that lives in Indo-Pacific areas. They are most unmistakable by their yellow shading, box-like shape, and protruding horns on both their head and last part. Longhorn cowfish can reach a length of twenty inches in their natural habitat, whereas in captivity, they reach about sixteen inches.
The longhorn cowfish is a peaceful fish that is best kept with other non-aggressive species because it is easy to spook. However, it also has a nasty secret. It will respond by releasing a poison when it feels threatened or startled. It releases a poison that is potent enough to kill both the fish it is reacting to and itself as well as all of the fish in the aquarium!
Longhorn cowfish should not be kept by novice or intermediate marine fish keepers for this very reason. In point of fact, scientists believe that they should never be kept in captivity. However, their growing popularity as house aquarium fish necessitates a comprehensive care guide.
II. You would love the fish because…
Cowfish flaunt a very pleasing tan-yellow with very pretty blue and white dots. They have dark brown to black circles around the mouth. They also have brown patches found on the body but this is not a common sighting.
Cowfish have two horn-like structures that protrude from the head and the tail end. At the juvenile stage, they are more pronounced but as they grow into adult fish they become shorter. These horns are a blessing given to the cowfish by mother nature to protect itself from predators.
Another interesting feature is its milky way kaleidoscope skin. The skin has plate-like scales that are integrated to form a grid that covers the box like a carapace. This is not visible to the naked eye but can form a kaleidoscopic illustration when light is thrown on it.
Their eyes have a special pigment called corneal iridescence. This layer of tissue blocks out the direct sunlight 0verhead letting the fish hunt in shallow reefs.Â
.III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
A peaceful fish.
IV. Species compatibility
 Dwarf/large Angels, Batfish, Blennies, Basslets, Clownfish, Dartfish, Hogfish, and Tangs
V. How to feed this species?
You can feed cowfish a variety of meaty and vegetable food. They are very slow eaters and should not be kept with aggressive eaters.