Congicus Bichir (Polypterus Congicus): Polypterus is a genus of prehistoric fish found in Central and Northern Africa known for being one of the oldest groups of fish, having retained a similar structure for up to 100 million years.
Since their scientific discovery in 1802 polypterids have been subject to intense research into their prehistoric origins, almost as a window into the past. Biologists have found that polypterus, common name “bichirs”, have many structures and features not seen in any other fishes alive today.
This group is also a popular choice for aquariums with their prehistoric features, often being likened to dinosaurs, and for good reason. They make for a great addition to many aquaria and are relatively easy to keep.
I. Size
- Average Adult Size: 970 millimeters (38 inches)
- Maximum Adult Size: 39 inches
- Swimming Level: middle and bottom of the tank
II. You would love the fish because…
Congo Bichir fish, in contrast to other kinds of fish, actually have lungs and can breathe both in and out of the water. In fact, when the water is too muddy for them, many will swim to the surface to take a breath.
These are fish that hunt at night and emerge as predators. When the sun goes down, they like to eat bugs, worms, and other creatures that come out of the mud.
The Congo Bichir fish, is known for being able to travel short distances on land using its fins. Because of this, the fish can move between ponds that are close by or catch prey that is trying to get out of the water.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
- Recommended: 1 and more
- Recommended Male/Female – 1:!
- Overall hostility: Peaceful
- Hostility towards own species: Peaceful
- Hostility towards other Species: Peaceful
IV. Species compatibility
- Guppies
- Platies
- Mollies
- Swordtails
- Tetras
V. How to feed this species?
Carnivorous, the bichir rarely consumes dried foods. For this reason, larger fish should eat shrimp, baitfish, earthworms, mussels, and frozen or live foods. Smaller specimens will also consume bloodworms, vitamin-rich brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae.
Recommended food:
- Hikari Tropical Sinking Carnivore Pellets
- Hikari Adult Tropical Food Sticks
Word for the wise