Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus) are extremely curious and social fish. When you walk by the tank to see what’s going on, they frequently swim close to the glass. They will quickly become a favorite in your tank thanks to their cheerful disposition and vibrant pattern. It makes sense that the name “killifish” comes from the Dutch word for “channel,” as they live in slow-moving African streams and swamps.
II. You would love the fish because…
A peaceful species.
IV. Species compatibility
Smaller barbs, minnows, danios, bettas, Gouramis, Corydoras catfish, and small varieties of plecos.
V. How to feed this species?
Clown Killifish reproduce every few weeks, producing as many as 50 fries for every two or three adult pairs! In addition to infusoria, feed the fry free-floating green algae as their first food. The fry will consume young nematodes within a few days, so they should be fed two to three times per day if at all possible.