Bucephalandra Maestro Blue is a specific and highly sought-after variety of the Bucephalandra genus. Bucephalandra is a group of aquatic plants native to Borneo, Indonesia, known for their attractive and often colorful leaves. Here’s some information about Bucephalandra Maestro Blue:
Bucephalandra Maestro Blue is characterized by its vibrant blue or bluish-green leaves. The leaves are typically small, thick, and have a shiny appearance.
Like other Bucephalandra species and varieties, Maestro Blue grows relatively slowly, which makes it an excellent choice for aquariums as it doesn’t require frequent maintenance.
Bucephalandra plants are endemic to Borneo, particularly in areas with clean, fast-flowing streams and rivers. They are adapted to growing on submerged rocks, where they attach themselves.
Care Tips
- Provide moderate to high-intensity lighting to encourage healthy growth and maintain the vibrant blue coloration of the leaves.
- While not always necessary, supplementing your aquarium with carbon dioxide (CO2) can promote robust growth and vibrant coloration.
- These plants can be attached to rocks or driftwood using super glue gel or fishing line. They can also be planted in the substrate, but this is less common.
-  Maintain a slightly acidic to neutral pH (around 6.0-7.0) and keep the water temperature within the range of 72-82°F (22-28°C).
- Regularly dose your aquarium with a balanced liquid fertilizer to ensure the plant receives essential nutrients.