Balloon Marble Gourami: Gourami is a popular type of fish, and the pearl is one of the most popular variations.
They have a lovely pattern of white dots across their body and large delicate fins, making them highly appealing fish for your aquarium.
When keeping these fish, some prior experience is beneficial. They can easily lead to novice blunders, especially if you keep a breeding group.
Balloon Marble Gourami / Pearl gourami (Trichopodus leerii) are Osphronemidae freshwater fish.Â
This family has several diverse gourami species, including the well-known dwarf and kissing forms.
They are also known as diamond, lace, or mosaic gourami due to the patterns on their body, but these names are less frequent.
They are only found in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They thrive in shallow tropical seas teeming with flora and acidic water.
Because they are produced in captivity for the fish-keeping industry, you can now find them all over the world. These fish can be demanding at times, so they are best suited to those with prior expertise.
They’re quite simple to keep with a little know-how. This makes them attractive for home aquariums, especially when combined with their beautiful patterns, which make them one of the most visually appealing tropical fish available.
II. You would love the fish because…
Balloon Marble Gourami: The primary reason for pearl gourami’s popularity is its appearance. It’s difficult to deny their attractiveness. The body is coated in white, pearl-like spots, hence the name, and a narrow, black bar runs along one side.
The markings differentiate them from other gourami species, but their fins, size, and coloring are all distinct.
They have fins that are narrow, big, and wide. This gives them an exquisite and delicate appearance. Because their fins are so large, they are an easy target for fin-nipping fish, so keep them apart.
While swimming, they have a pair of modified pelvic fins hanging underneath them. These skinny fins are almost as long as the body. Pearl gourami can grow to be quite large.
While swimming, they have a pair of modified pelvic fins hanging underneath them. These skinny fins are almost as long as the body. In terms of size, pearl gourami can grow to 4-5 inches.
Males and females are easily distinguished. Males grow red breast that becomes brighter when mating, making them one of the most colorful fish around. Their dorsal fins are also longer.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Pearl gourami has a mellow temperament.
IV. Species compatibility
Neon tetras, Dwarf gourami, Cory catfish, Kuhli loaches, Danios., Cherry barbs, and Bristlenose pleco.
V. How to feed this species?
As part of a diversified diet, include fresh vegetables such as lettuce, boiled peas, and spinach for optimal health. Live meals like blackworms, brine shrimp, and glass worms are tasty and should be utilized while preparing fish for breeding.