Australian Rainbow: The term “Australian Rainbow fish” refers to several closely related, vibrant species that are native to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. There are around 50 different types in all.
They are extremely popular with intermediate to experienced keepers who take care of medium to big aquariums.
Although freshwater rainbow fish are not the biggest, they are extremely active and produce stunning, vivid displays of color.
Their natural environment consists of marshy land with streams, rivers, lakes, and marshes that are rich in flora and have little to no current. They are frequently found near logs and other submerged structures, or under floating vegetation.
The family Melanotaeniidae, which includes the Australian rainbow fish, contains a large variety of species. For the sake of fish keeping, they are all simply referred to as rainbow fish because they are all quite similar in terms of body shape, color, and disposition.
Members of these groups, which are also known as silver rainbow fish, have an astounding variety of species while still looking similar. bodies that are mainly flattened on the sides. Their name comes from the amazing colors they can have. The fish will typically have a metallic appearance with color undertones.
II. You would love the fish because…
The body of the Australian Rainbowfish is thin, with an arched back and a small head. There are two dorsal fins and relatively large eyes. The base body color is olive green or blue-brown, and the middle of the body occasionally has a dark horizontal stripe.
 It has a bright pink belly. Between the rows of scales, there are occasionally small reddish stripes that reflect turquoise and green. Adult males are most likely to exhibit these hues. Fins range from clear to brownish. A black edge may be visible along the dorsal and anal fin margins of the male as well as the front margin of the pelvic fins, especially when in breeding colors.
The color of women is more subdued than that of men. The Male’s body color deepens and turns emerald green when in breeding mode. It should be noted that the fish’s genetic home river may contribute significantly to color variances.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Australian rainbowfish have a peaceful temperament
IV. Species compatibility
Peaceful barbs, rasboras, catfish, danios, cichlids, and Kribensis
V. How to feed this species?
Rainbowfish are omnivores and need both vegetable matter and meat-based foods in their diet. Melanotaeniids will thrive on Aqueon Tropical Flakes, Color Flakes, Spirulina Flakes, and Betta Treat.