Albino Silver Arowana is a rare live fish that is greatly desired all over the world. Albino Silver Arowanas, whose scientific name is “Osteoglossum bicirrhosum,” are known for their status, wealth, and elegance. These fishes, known as the Dragon Fish, are extremely rare and breathtaking!
It is estimated that Albino Silver Arowanas live for 10 to 15 years.
These fishes can live more than twenty years in captivity under ideal conditions.
The Albino Silver Arowana is a huge, rarely aggressive plant that has the potential for rapid growth. It is known that these fishes can swim very quickly and effectively. Because they are predatory, Albino Arowanas require a very large tank.
They can be generally found close to water surfaces that have vigorously congested regions with heaps of cover.
These fishes act like only other predators.
I. You would love the fish because…
Albino Silver Arowana is a freshwater fish found in South America. The young Arowanas are blue-tinged and the adults are a pearly silver shade.
These fish have enormous downturned mouths and enormous scales. The bodies of Albino Silver Arowanas are long and slender, but they do taper off toward their tailfins.
The largest Arowana is the Albino Silver Arowana. In the wild, it can grow to an intimidating 47 inches, which is usually too much for anyone but the best freshwater aquarists to handle.
Albino Silver Arowanas have red eyes and bodies that range from very light yellow to white. Keep in mind that albinism is brought on by a genetic condition that makes the fish’s body lack pigmentation.
II. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Highly hostile with specific care requirements.
III. Species compatibility
Singly or a community of tough fish likeÂ
- Large catfish
- Parrotfish
- Jaguar Cichlid
- Pacu (if the tank is large enough)
- Silver Dollar Fish
- Large Plecos
- Bichir
- Green Terror Cichlid
- Black Ghost Knife Fish
IV. How to feed this species?
Juveniles will readily eat small fish, tadpoles, live brine shrimp, live brown worms, small earthworms, and other live foods, but should be trained to accept pellets, sticks, chunks of frozen foods, chopped and whole market shrimp, and other meaty foods and adults-only eat live things
Arowana is one of the fastest-growing aquarium fish, reaching lengths of over 4 feet in some cases.