The Albino Mountain Minnow are also referred to as “the working man’s neon,” “white clouds,” “Cantonal danio,” “White Cloud Mountain,” and “Chinese danio.” Freshwater cyprinid fish called the white cloud is a favorite among novices. You may call them by the pet names of your choice if you had them as a pet.
Albino Mountain Minnow – Tanichthys albonubes were first discovered on White Cloud Mountain in southern China, hence its common name.
This 4-centimeter (1.5-inch) minnow has crimson fins and a darker body with a white horizontal stripe. In the wild, it consumes plankton and insect larvae in slowly moving streams that are overgrown with aquatic vegetation.
The white clouds available in stores are all produced in captivity because the species is endangered in the wild.
I. Size
- Average Adult Size: 1.6 inches
- Maximum Adult Size: 2 inches
- Swimming Level: A few centimeters above the bottom.
II. You would love the fish because…
White cloud mountains have crimson fin patches and a silvery belly. The species is also known to exist in golden or other hues.
These fish also frequently breed with one another. Their most vivid hues are visible on their fins. Their almost triangular dorsal and ventral fins point backward.
Some males even have a sizable part of one of their fins chewed off. Fighting that takes place in the water body may be the cause of this.
Their eyes range in hue from green to olive-brown, and they are roughly 1-1.5 inches long.
 III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
- Recommended: 6
- Recommended Male/Female – 1:1
- Overall Aggressiveness: Peaceful
- Aggressiveness Own Species: Peaceful
- Aggressiveness Other Species: Peaceful
IV. Species compatibility
Gold Barbs, Weather Loaches, Rosy and Cherry Barbs, as well as the Gold Barb, Dojo and Horseface Loaches, and the Paradise Fish. the Dwarf Gourami, Zebra Danios and Corydoras Catfish, and a school of Harlequin Rasboras.
V. How to feed this species?
Any fish meal that is small enough to fit in their mouths will make them happy. They receive flakes, nanoparticles, Easy Fry, and Small Fish Food as food. Additionally, they like tiny frozen foods like daphnia, cyclops, and baby brine shrimp. Live micro worms and newborn brine shrimp should be given to them if you truly want to treat them. The most important thing is to provide a range of foods so that they receive all the necessary nutrients for long, healthy lives.
Recommended food:
- TetraColor Tropical Flakes with Natural Color Enhancer
- TetraMin Plus Tropical Flakes
Word for the wise