Albino Clown Knife 4″: The popular clown knifefish, Chitala ornata, is the knifefish. This is in part due to its widespread availability and relatively low price. But it’s also a favorite because it looks so good. They typically have a pattern of large spots, but this pattern can vary quite a bit, and it would appear that no two Clown Knifefish are the same.
II. You would love the fish because…
Albino Clown Knife has a yellowish-white body with red eyes. The normal coloring of the Clown Knifefish is a silvery gray characterized by a variable pattern of large spots above the base of the anal fin. Yet sometimes they may have no spots at all, and sometimes they may have two rows of smaller spots.
Other common names it is known by are Clown Featherback Fish, Spotted Knifefish, Spotted Featherback Fish, and Clown Knife. The Clown Knifefish is a very popular knife fish. This is partly because of its common availability and being relatively inexpensive. But it’s also a favorite because it is extremely attractive. They usually have a pattern of large spots, but this can be quite variable and it seems that no two Clown Knifefish are exactly alike.
The Clown Knife has the typical knife fish body shape, flat and elongated with an arched back. Its anal fin and caudal fin (tail fin) are joined, giving it a long continuous fin along the underside. This fin undulates, allowing it to move either forwards or backward, making it a very graceful swimmer.
They are generally peaceful and will do well with other fish that are not particularly aggressive and that are too large to fit into its mouth.
III. Is this fish species peaceful or hostile?
Depends on their tank mates.
IV. Species compatibility
- Silver dollars
- Tinfoil barbs
- Angelfish
- Large cichlids
- Larger Gouramis
- Synodontis catfish
V. How to feed this species?
Feeder fish, ghost shrimp, and blackworms are just a few of the live foods clown knifefish will consume. They can eventually become accustomed to beefheart and commercial food pellets and adapt to them over time. Since they primarily feed at night, they prefer it when the lights are off.